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How to Save Money on Healthy Food

One big couponing myth is that all coupons are for junk food!  It makes me so sad to hear people say this because they are missing out on some great savings.  You can absolutely save money on healthy food!

Use Coupons

Yes, there are a lot of coupons for junk food, but I also find coupons for milk, bread, cheese, yogurt, meat, eggs, and other staples.  You just have to know where to look!

Newspaper – Yes, there are coupons for nutritious foods in the newspaper!  Right alongside the chips and frozen meals coupons you will find coupons for pantry staples, organic foods, and even produce!

Printables – The same principles I talk about in this post on how to find printable coupons apply to healthy and organic food coupons too.  You can also read this list of organic printable coupon sites.

Email the Manufacturer – Can’t find coupons for your favorite products? Email the manufacturer a short note asking if they have coupons available or if they have a coupon mailing list that you could be put on. They will more than likely send you some coupons!

Wait for Sales

Sales and Clearance – Healthy, organic, and natural products go on sale just like anything else.  Also watch for clearance when the manufacturer decides to change the packaging.  This is when it helps to clip and file your coupons so you can have them with you when you stumble upon a clearance sale.

In-Season Produce – Make sure to only buy the produce that is in season.  This will not only save you money, but encourage you to eater a wider range of foods.  You could also start your own garden and have fresh produce right at your fingertips for a fraction of the cost!

Buy in Bulk – If there is a food with a long shelf-life or that you eat a lot of, consider purchasing it in bulk.  You can buy in bulk at warehouse clubs or even Amazon which sells quite a selection of organic and natural food and household items.

Save on Other Items – You can also save money on other items to give you a little more wiggle room in your food budget.  Saving money on paper towels, toilet tissue, toothpaste, and band-aids can really add up and allow you to spend that money on healthier food options instead.  I also frequently use overage on items I’m buying (for instance a $5 coupon on a $4 item will give me $1 in free money to spend!) to save on items I need like produce and dairy.


Do you want to eat healthier but get overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?  Start by picking few items that you want to start eating healthier versions of or items that you want to cut out of your diet.

Dirty Dozen – Some people stick to the Dirty Dozen list which is the 12 most important foods to buy organic.  You could use that list as a starting point for determining which items you want to buy organic.

Avoid Processed Food – Organic or not, avoiding processed food and making your own is better for you and will save you money.  Often I find that the homemade version takes no more time than the processed package version.  Plus, knowing exactly what you are eating is priceless.

Make Your Own – Convenience food like cut fruit, individual servings of crackers, and juice boxes is going to cost you.  Buy whole fruits and vegetables and cut them up yourself.  Buy a large box of crackers and divide them into baggies or small containers.  Making your own convenience foods only take a few extra minutes and will save you a bundle!

I am on my own journey to eating healthier and I hope this will encourage you to save money and eat better!  I’d love to hear if anyone has any other tips to share!