Family-Friendly Games to Play at Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is right around the corner! That means good food and great company. You’ve got everything planned out to a tee: the menu, the table settings, everything is pinned to your boards and you are ready! However, have you thought about games? Family-friendly games at Thanksgiving aren’t always top of mind, but they can really transform the holiday!
Besides the hour that everyone is eating together, it’s easy to turn around at the end of the day and realize you haven’t actually spent much time together as a family. Some sat in front of the TV watching football all day, others scrolled on their phones, and the cooks spent the whole day locked away in the kitchen. One sure-shot way to get everyone interacting with each other is games!
There are plenty of indoor and outdoor family-friendly games to play at Thanksgiving to make awesome memories and burn off some of that meal. Here are just a few ideas:
Turkey Tag
Everyone puts 3 clothespins on their clothes. The rules of the game are everyone tries to grab everyone else’s clothespins! Set a designated amount of time for the game and the person at the end of the game with the most clothespins, wins!
Pin the Feather on the Turkey
Based after the traditional Pin the tail on the donkey, get some colorful tail feathers and get that blindfold on and play!
Turkey Waddle
Put a balloon between your legs, start at a staring line, try to be the first to cross the finish line without the balloon falling out!
Turkey Hunt
This requires a bit of prep, but is very fun! You print out turkeys with numbers on them and hide them. Everyone goes on a scavenger hunt looking for the numbered turkeys – the first one to find all the numbers wins! This is a scavenger hunt meets blackout bingo game!
For Thanksgiving Dinner I Had…
This game is so much fun and can involve so many different ages. You go around the table and list something you eat for Thanksgiving. The next player repeats what the first player said and then adds a dish. This continues until someone messes up on what they have for Thanksgiving Dinner! That person is out, you start over, and the last person to survive all rounds is the winner!
Family Football
And finally, there is always good old-fashioned football. All you need is a ball and a patch of grass. Play in the backyard or head to the nearest park before it gets too dark. You can also switch it up to play 2-hand touch or flag football to keep it safer.
What are some of your favorite games to play at Thanksgiving? Share with us in the comments below!
1 Comment
Lynne pistello
For thanksgiving, after dinner and before dessert we do turkey bingo. I have bingo game but yo u can make you own, using templates on line. I am the caller since hosting . We play different versions … cover all, bingo shaped like a capital T, a cross, a capital L, etc. I buy dollar store prizes, always adding candy and some Christmas items.