
Free first month of Audible Audiobooks

Try Audible Audiobooks for free! Have you been wondering about that book everyone’s talking about, but just don’t have the time to pick it up and read it? Join the millions of subscribers who have started listening to their books instead! I love audiobooks for when I’m driving in the car, bored on a plane, and even doing the dishes. If you’re […]

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Free Audiobook: The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert

ChristianAudio.com is offering a FREE audiobook download of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield during the month of August! You will need to enter your email address in order to receive the download. Rosaria, by the standards of many, was living a very good life. She had a tenured position at a large university in a field for which she cared deeply. […]

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Free Audiobook: Eight Twenty Eight

ChristianAudio.com is offering a FREE audiobook download of Eight Twenty Eight by Ian & Larissa Murphy during the month of July! You will need to enter your email address in order to receive the download. What if that thing you really feared happened? Would the joy you hold pop? Or would you experience love and joy deeper than you can imagine? They met in college and fell […]

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Free Audiobook: Being a Dad Who Leads

ChristianAudio.com is offering a FREE audiobook download of Being a Dad Who Leads by John MacArthur during the month of June! You will need to enter your email address in order to receive the download. As a Christian father, you bear a tremendous responsibility–to raise your children through both biblical instruction and personal example. But how can you succeed in a society that attacks the role of […]

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