
Winter Sale: Buy One, Get One 50% at DavidsTea

A hot beverage can be your ticket to winter comfort. Tea is one of our favorites. Not only is it soothing to sip on a nice cup of tea, but there are so many different varieties that you’re unlikely to run out of options anytime soon. Right now, DavidsTea is offering buy one, get one 50% on its sale items. […]

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What to Buy in January Seasonal Sales Cycle

Did you know that there is a “best” month to buy certain products? Have you ever wondered if the products you are buying are at their rock-bottom prices? Every product has a “seasonal sale,” and when grocery stores mark these items at their lowest prices, it’s time to stock up! But how do you know when these items are at their lowest prices? Welcome […]

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Grocery Health & Beauty

Get Up to $2 Back on Healthy Juice with Ibotta

Whether you need it to make your holiday drinks or you’re just looking to start the New Year with a flavorful, natural drink, juice may already be on your shopping list. With Ibotta, you can save money on some of your favorite juices! Here are our favorite finds: Earn $0.50 – WTRMLN WTR Cold Pressured Juiced Watermelon (12 oz. or […]

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Hot Coupon: Save $1 on Beyond Burger Products

The Guardian reports that a recent study suggests that a vegan diet may be the biggest way to reduce your environmental impact. A vegan diet may not be for everyone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t cut back on your meat consumption to help the environment and your own health! Beyond Meat is one of the hottest food products on […]

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