Publix 101 – How to Shop and Save at Publix
Learn how to save the most money on groceries at Publix. If you’re lucky enough to live in one of the seven states where Publix operates, you’re going to want to read this guide!
Known all over the East Coast for its delicious deli sandwiches, this grocery chain also makes it easy to save on groceries and everyday household essentials.
If you shop wisely, pay attention to sales, and use coupons, you can save a ton of money, and I am going to show you how!
Sign Up & Save
The first thing you need to do is sign up for a free Publix account. Upon registration, you can choose to receive information and promotional offers tailored to you based upon items and services you purchase from Publix. Think of it as a curated savings newsletter just for you!
There are several other perks to this membership, but the top one is the free Digital Coupons. You must have a Publix account in order to unlock Digital Coupons, and this is where you can really rack up the savings every week.
All of your members-only deals and coupons are available online, but there is also a great mobile app that you can use while you’re in-store. Clip and carry digital coupons, check out the weekly ad, and even keep e-receipts right on your smartphone.
Publix Free Coupon Booklet
You can sign up for a Free Coupon Booklet from Publix with over $57 in savings!
Weekly Ad
Find the latest deals and select coupons in your local store’s Weekly Ad. You can browse it online or pick up a paper copy in-store.
You can also sign up to get the Weekly Ad delivered right to your inbox. Just log into your Publix account and opt in to General Communications.
One thing to look out for is Buy One Get One (BOGO) sales. Publix loves their BOGO sales and offers the deal on dozens of items every week. If you time your purchases right, you can save a lot of money with these.
By pairing coupons with the sales in the Weekly Ad, you can get some great bargains!
It’s always a good idea to look for coupons before heading into the store, but at Publix, they make sure you never miss a coupon. Just look for the shelf signs that tell you there’s a coupon available. If you don’t already have the coupon, don’t be afraid to look in the Weekly Ad at the front or even ask a store associate to help you locate one before checking out.
Digital Coupons
With your free Publix account, you can browse and add digital coupons to your account online that will automatically apply when you checkout in-store.
Here’s how it works: Look for the items you would like to save on. Click on the green “plus” button. And you’re done.
Once in-store, redeem your coupons by entering your phone number or scanning your Publix card at checkout.
Printable Coupons
On top of their Digital Coupons, Publix also accepts printed manufacturer coupons and even select competitor coupons. To see if your competitor coupons are accepted, you’ll have to bring them into your local store and ask a manager.
You can search and print free printable manufacturer coupons right here!
Note that coupons available both in print and digital form for the same item cannot be combined. Check out the store’s full Coupon Policy for details.
Shop Generic
This applies to just about any grocery store, but you can always save big on everyday grocery and household items by shopping generic.
Publix offers three store brands: Publix Brand (think everyday products), Publix Premium (think exotic flavors) and GreenWise (think organic).
These products are comparable to the national brand equivalents, but typically priced lower.
The best part is if you give them a try and are not satisfied, you can get a refund on the product by taking it back to customer service and letting them know what you didn’t like about it.
*Publix’s policies may be different in various areas of the country. Always double check at your local store.