Free eBook: Attack Your Day!
It’s back! If you missed it a couple months ago, you can grab this eBook for FREE again: Attack Your Day!: Before It Attacks You by Mark Woods (reg. $19.99)!
“Smarter time management for a whole new world: faster, more flexible, and easier! Mark Woods’ activity-based Attack Your Day system has helped thousands of individuals supercharge their productivity – in work and business, in school, and throughout their personal lives. Now, it’s your turn!”
I downloaded this eBook last time it was free, and it’s a great book for anybody interested in time management in their personal or professional lives. I found it very helpful. 🙂
You can still download Dr. R.C. Sproul’s eBook The Truth of the Cross for FREE as well!
You can find even more FREE eBooks on Amazon.com. You don’t need a Kindle to read these books either. You can download the Free Kindle Reading App to your Computer, iPad, iPhone, or Blackberry!
Be sure to verify that the price is still $0 before you purchase! These free books come and go (sometimes within just a few hours), so I recommend downloading any that catch your eye because they may not be available tomorrow!