Giveaway: Embrace Your New Space, plus Win 1 of 6 Wal-Mart $25 Gift Cards!
It’s Summer time.
And I don’t know about you, but I always find myself wanting to tackle a fun project during the Summer. Sometimes it’s simply brightening up a room with some fun thrifty decor finds or doing an ongoing craft project. Other times it’s remodeling an entire room at home. I LOVE projects!
Better Homes and Gardens wants to help you “Embrace Your New Space” this Summer, whether you’ve just moved into a new home, or you’d like to freshen up a room in your current home and make it seem “new” again! You can enter the Better Homes and Gardens Sweepstakes for a chance to win $1500 in home furniture and decor. If you win, you’ll receive a Better Homes and Gardens Rustic Country Coffee Table, Side Table, TV stand and Media Tower, plus Accent Mirrors, Rugs, Clocks and more! Better Homes and Gardens indoor decor products from Walmart offer a sure-fire, simple way to transform any space into your place.
Ummm…who wouldn’t want to win that?! 😉 To enter the Better Homes and Gardens Sweepstakes, just go “like” their Facebook page and enter the giveaway. It’s that simple.
And to help you “Embrace Your Space” just a little bit more, I have SIX $25 Wal-Mart gift cards to give away! That’s right – Six very lucky Couponing 101 Readers will win a $25 gift card to Wal-Mart.
Enter below for your chance to win a $25 Wal-Mart Gift Card! Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
If you cannot see the giveaway entry form, click here.
My living room!!! need different couches!
Lindsay S
My bedroom needs some embracing! It’s pretty empty, and all the rest of the rooms in our place are decorated and cute!
Katrina E
I would like to embrace my bedroom!
My living room!!
Definitely my bedroom! Our furniture is a mess!
Paul T / Pauline T
I would like to embrace my bedroom or living room – emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
B Smith
My bedroom needs a make-over.
Livivua Chandler
i subscribe- latonyaramsey(at)aim.com and i think about the bathroom
Allie R
My guest bedroom. It could use a good makeover.
Ashley Hatten
the den! thanks so much!
Laura Jacobson
My bedroom!
I’m closing on a new house in August and will be embracing ALL of my new space.
brenda m.
every room in my house can use a little sprucing up right now
Amanda Sakovitz
Our bedroom. It is really dull and I’d love to style it!
I’d love to “summer” up my bedroom or kitchen!
my laundry room
lala r
my kitchen
Wendy M.
My daughter’s room needs some serious attention!
Thank you!
Jessica T.
I need to embrace my master bathroom.
My bedroom needs lots of “embracing”.
My kitchen needs some TLC its just so plain and the white white make it look like blah! haha 🙂
Amber Samuelson
I would embrace our front porch!
The kitchen needs some love.
Maricela B
My office. I spend a large part of my day there and it really isn’t me yet.
Ellen B
The whole house – lol – let’s start with the kitchen
Shannon Taylor
I would love to have our kitchen embraced!
Leng Lian
It would be the master bathroom now that my landlord has finally fixed the leaking countertop.
I would like to embrace our backyard.
I would love to embrace our den. We currently have no furniture in there except for my husband’s stereo equipment.
I’d really like to embrace my sunken living room or “den” as some people call it.Has a beautiful sun roof..unfortunatly needs a beautiful touch to make it complete
I would love to spruce up our bedroom. It’s the one room in the house that is mis-matchy and not very cute.
My room.
Laura H.
My bedroom.
Emily Redman
The nursery is the place I’d embrace—-we’re expecting again:D
I’d like to embrace my dining room!
Amy Yost
I think more than anything I would LOVE to finally decorate my screened in patio. Right now there’s nothing more than some stuff in the outdoor closet, an old and frayed papasan chair, and my poor herbs are sitting on an overturned plastic box to keep them off the floor. We’ve been wanting to make the space into a cute little social area so we can go out and enjoy the air with our friends, instead of one person taking the papasan, a few standing, and some inside talking through the glass door, lol.
I just moved into my house; a 100 year old diamond in the ruff.. Counting living room, dining room, kitchen, and all; I have 15 rooms in my house to do. Starting in the living room and bathrooms probably, but I’ll have to put in work everywhere.
Jennifer Marie
My bedroom could use some work!!
I wanna win ! 🙂
I need to “embrace” our bedroom. it’s very empty and plain. i’d love to add a small display cabinet and some colorful art pieces.
It’s hard to pick just one space to embrace. LOL Maybe my back deck.
Monica Young
I’d like to embrace my kitchen
I would so love to embrace my living room! I need items and help making it a functional space, as I am not real great at decorating. This is such a great challenge! Maybe the kind that will get me in gear and figure it out! Thanks Couponing 101 and BHG for a chance of a lifetime!
I’d love to embrace my bedroom! I want to redecorate to make it more relaxing 🙂
Karen K
I would love to embrace my kitchen.
I’d really like to win. Thanks for the opportunity!
My kitchen. My daughter in law is helping me reorganize to be more arthritis friendly. I love to spend time in my kitchen.
Stacey B
subscribed to your newsletter using email stacey2561(at)aol(Dot)com
Stacey B
My bedroom could use some embracing!
Thanks for the info on the giveaway!
My Kitchen
The living room for sure!
I love the opportunity..I would love to redo my daughters room
Amanda H
Bathrooms for sure!
Anne Loyd
I would love to embrace our laundry room!
Tina M
living room!!
My whole house!
my kitchen
yessss awesomeeeee
Thanks for the info and the giveaway!
I would love to redo my kids room with new stuff, they have no decorations cause most we lost or broken when we moved. It would be a wonderful surprise for them. 🙂
Love your giveaways hope I win!
living room
I’d like to ’embrace’ my bedroom. Everything is outdated. I’ve had the same bed since i was a teenager. I’m ready for a change!
Misty Mc
I need to embrace summer in my front flower beds. Need more drought hearty landscaping!
Jessie C.
our living room and backyard.
I would like to “embrace” my living room
Erin Belt
I would like to “embrace” my living room.
I’d like to embrace my patio space.
I would like to embrace the porch right outside my bedroom. I have one old dining room chair out there.
I need this room! I’ve had the same furniture for 10 years and my loveseat just broke. We also don’t have any dining room furniture or beds… lol. CROSSING MY FINGERS!!
I would fix up my living room
Kelly D
I would like to embrace my dining room, with new pictures and decor.
I would love to decorate my outdoor “living” space this summer!
I would choose the living room
Mary Happymommy
I’d like to embrace my screened porch.
My kitchen
Tina W.
Hmmm, maybe the living room.